Hello! My name ‘s Zahira Mejeras. I’ m 17 years old, I’m from Argentina, I live in La Plata but I was born in Berisso.
I love all kinds of animals, I’m vegetarian.
My favourite movie is “ la joya de la familia” it is funny. I like watching netflix ,not tv.
My favourite singer is Eminem Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972) .He’s an American rapper, and actor. Eminem is the best selling artist of the 2000 s in the united states. My favorite song is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSLZFdqwh7E
He wrote it for his fan, and sang with Dido.
I have six dogs and cat , I love her , Her name’s indiga , She isn’t so sweet
Next year i’m going to study odontology.
Also I listen t0 these types of music: blues , jazz and Brazilian music.